Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The chapel challenge

Students at NCU have mixed opinions about chapel.
I've heard varied opinions and most certainly have my own, which is why I'm feeling some pressure about what my chapel topic should be on February 6th.

I want it to be applicable -
It would be easier if everyone was passionate about social justice, sex traffiking, poverty awareness, etc.. It would be easier if they actually wanted to be in chapel. It would easier if they didn't text and whisper during the message.
Heck, it would be easier if they all loved Jesus!

When asked about what I should preach about, one of my RAs responded "I want you to think about what the guys on my hall would pay attention to. Speak to them."

Unfortunately for me, many of these guys fit the description above. A tough crowd for sure.

So, I accept the challenge.
I have my work cut out for me.
I need ideas!

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