Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Monday Nights

Monday night Bible study is what I look forward to every week.  I don't have to lead it nor do I have to prepare for it.  I just get to come.  Do you know how refreshing it is to not be the leader?

There are 15 of us - some weeks there are 8, some weeks there are more.  I love that we don't have outside reading to do and we are so flexible that it's easy to miss one week and join the next.  We call it our "no guilt Bible study."  We understand each other's hectic schedules and will take each other when we can.

I am one of two women who are currently childless - everyone else is either with child or already a mom.  I am thankful these women are pioneering before me and for the wisdom I'll glean from them when it's my turn!

I really believe that Monday nights have been watering holes in the midst of my desert.  My soul has been nourished by their honesty, encouragement and prayers.  Each week we draw someone else's name from the hat with specific things to pray for until we meet again.  Many of these women have been meeting together for 10+ years and it is overwhelming to recount all the answers to our prayers.  For marriages, for jobs, for healthy babies, for healing, etc.

Can't wait for next Monday.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

We both posted about our small groups! I agree, I look forward to the time I get to fellowship with the gals in my small group; it's so refreshing.